Support Pandemic Research for the People (PReP)


PReP is a crowd-funded effort aimed at conducting research on questions that will directly help communities around the world during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. You can nurture PReP’s research efforts right now. We are asking people to make a contribution that matches their resources. If you don’t have much, don’t sweat it. If you have a little more on hand, feel free to donate what you feel you can.

You can donate via PayPal by clicking the button below, or make a contribution through Venmo (@RobWallace_PReP) or Cash App ($RobWallacePReP). To make a donation via check, or for other donation inquiries, please write to us at PRePOrganizer [at]


100% of your donations will go immediately towards funding projects led by natural and social scientists we have ready to work on questions that are of direct importance to the welfare of everyday people during the pandemic. In the interest of transparency, we pledge to report back both total donations and line-item outlays on a regular basis.


Research Resources

You can access the latest research on COVID at these databases:


PubMed is a federal search engine for biomedical articles, including on COVID-19. There is also a list of searchable databases at the CDC site.


The Syllabus offers The Politics of COVID-19 library of articles, which includes a searchable archive.

Research Follow-up

If any number of questions about the pandemic come to mind that you think PReP might investigate, please drop us a line through our Contact page. If you come across any follow-ups sources upon reading a dispatch, please let us know.